Friday, October 31, 2008

And the bass keeps running....

Its Halloween, tonight marks the 9th year anniversary since I was caught driving my moms van through the streets of Glendale, with some friends throwing eggs at trick-or-treaters. It also marks the anniversary of 9 years since I have been ordered to sit on the curb on Bel Aire in front of Balboa Elementary School by one of Glendale's finest, and the 9 year anniversary since I have thrown an egg. Oh the memories and the stupidity that caused us to get caught.

Since I no longer throw eggs and Hillary and James are in town we decided to make handy use of the dry ice i bought yesterday at the grocery store and make some dry ice bombs, we were 1 0f 4 but it was the biggest one that worked, James and I were giddy in the yard while Hillary was watching through the window, it amazing no one called the cops.

In recent news....Valeri is pregnant! she is about 13 weeks along and going strong, I am just waiting for the day when she looks more pregnant than me.


Doctor Dave, Papaw 10x said...

Daddy Morg - congrats ! Is there a warranty on the laptop ?

Kalli Ko said...

way to knock 'er up morg!

so excited for you...